传统的锦纶6纤维定性筛选方法存在使用有害的酸性试剂及燃烧 法需要试验人员吸入少量气体的缺点,本方法旨在探索一种仪器化的方 法,以减少上述问题对试验人员的伤害。本方法采用差示扫描量热法(DSC)对锦纶6纤维的热性能进行研究,通过优化测量参数,确定了 30 ℃/min的升温速率和称样质量范围3.5 mg~10.0 mg,此外研究了12种 其他常见纤维对锦纶6纤维热效应的影响,发现维纶会对锦纶6纤维的定 性分析产生影响,其他11种纤维聚酯(PET)、棉、苎麻、亚麻、粘胶纤 维、羊毛、桑蚕丝、腈纶、醋纤、氨纶、聚乳酸纤维不会对锦纶6纤维的 定性产生影响,因此本方法适用于锦纶6纤维与上述11种混纺产品的定性 鉴别。
The traditional qualitative methods for nylon 6 fibers involve the use of acidic reagents and combustion methods, which require the experimenter to inhale a small amount of gas. This method aims to explore an instrumental approach, to reduce the use of reagents and harm to personnel; This method uses differential scanning calorimetry(DSC) to study the thermal properties of nylon 6 fibers. By optimizing the measurement parameters, a heating rate of 30 ℃/min and a sample weight range of 3.5 mg~10.0 mg were determined. In addition, the influence of 12 other common fibers on the thermal effect of nylon 6 fibers was studied. It was found that vinylon has an impact on the qualitative analysis of nylon 6 fibers, while the other 11 fibers: polyester(PET), cotton, ramie, linen, viscose fiber, wool, mulberry silk, acrylic fiber, acetate fiber, spandex, and polylactic acid fiber will not affect the qualitative identification of nylon 6 fibers. Therefore, this method is suitable for the qualitative identification of nylon 6 fibers and the above 11 blended products.
锦纶6 /
差示扫描量热法 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
Nylon 6 /
differential scanning calorimetry /
{{custom_keyword}} /
施点望. , {{custom_author.name_cn}}等.
混纺织物中锦纶6的差示扫描定性筛选分析方法研究[J]. 中国纤检, 2025, 592(1): 46-50 https://doi.org/10.14162/j.cnki.11-4772/t.2025.01.024
SHI Dianwang. , {{custom_author.name_en}}et al.
Research on differential scanning qualitative analysis method of nylon 6 in blended fabrics[J]. CHINA FIBER INSPECTION, 2025, 592(1): 46-50 https://doi.org/10.14162/j.cnki.11-4772/t.2025.01.024
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