Laboratory archives are a direct reflection and detailed record of the management, operation, effectiveness, compliance, and authenticity of the quality system. The collection of archive materials follows the processes and standards of the quality management system. This article mainly discusses the preparation of laboratory accreditation archives by adhering to the key points of the textile laboratory management system as outlined in the "Accreditation criteria for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories" and integrating the "Competence assessment for inspection body and laboratory mandatory approval— Genaral requirements for inspection body and laboratory" for the capability evaluation of inspection and testing institutions. It presents a comprehensive set of specific contents for the subdivision of laboratory archive materials, systematically categorizing the necessary archive materials for different elements, making the archive materials more complete and standardized, thereby providing a reference for the preparation of archive materials in similar laboratories.
侯春霞 袁兵年, {{custom_author.name_en}}et al.
Collection and organization of archival data in testing laboratories[J]. CHINA FIBER INSPECTION, 2024, 591(12): 26-29