This paper studies GB/T 43587—2023 "Shoes for the elderly" standard, by comparing GB/T 43587—2023 "Shoes for the elderly" and GB/T 15107—2013 "Travel shoes", to help relevant people understand the standard.
WEI Xiaoqian, YANG Subin, LU Caixia, 等. , {{custom_author.name_cn}}等.
GB/T 43587—2023《老人鞋》标准解读[J]. 中国纤检, 2024, 589(10): 74-77
韦晓倩 杨素彬 鲁彩霞 席永忠 韩军, {{custom_author.name_en}}et al.
Interpretation the standard of GB/T 43587—2023 "Shoes for the elderly"[J]. CHINA FIBER INSPECTION, 2024, 589(10): 74-77