On September 7, 2023, GB/T 32614—2023 "Outdoor sportswear-Water resistant garments" (hereinafter referred to as the new standard) was issued, which will be implemented on April 1, 2024. Compared with GB/T 32614—2016 "Outdoor sportswear-Water resistant garments" (hereinafter referred to as the old standard) has changed greatly, there are 22 main technical changes, involving the scope, reference documents, technical assessment indicators, detection methods, decision rules and other content. This paper compares the new and old standards from the two aspects of the structure and content of the standard, and provides a reference for the manufacturer of water resistant garments and relevant testing institutions to further understand the new standard.
LI Shanshan, LI Wenchuan, TANG Kongke, et al. , {{custom_author.name_en}}et al.
Comparison of the differences between the new and old standards for GB/T 32614—2023 "Outdoor sportswear-Water resistant garments"[J]. CHINA FIBER INSPECTION, 2024, 588(9): 92-94 https://doi.org/10.14162/j.cnki.11-4772/t.2024.09.018